
🖤 Medium Love Calculator


Medium Love calculator

@dongdongwu Profile Image

東東 (吳東軒)


業務出身的行銷人,確診 1/40000 機率的 NF2 罕見疾病後,從此踏上不同的人生道路。喜歡思考、喜歡書寫、喜歡自由,也是一個加密貨幣愛好者,期待區塊鏈與加密貨幣普及到日常生活的那一天。著有《人生很難,就想活成喜歡的樣子》一書,個人臉書:



calculated with love by ❤︎ LOVE.SWEET.PUB

Congrats - great score! ✔

Only 25,529 users achieved that! Click to find out more.

👋 Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Labas! Bună!...

I am Martynas Ki. (@strangecash) and I created this whole madness because of one thing:
I truly LOVE Medium.

🖤 Medium Love calculator is the first tool of my upcoming Beedium project.

And you know what? Recently the Beedium bees were working like crazy!

Because right now this tool can provide ratings for 1,198,295+ Medium Writers.
Can't believe it? Browse the writers' list.

Bzzz! The database is constantly updated, so don't forget to subscribe for updates!

⚠️ One more thing - although these love ratings are based on real-world data, don't take them too seriously!

This tool is for fun, entertainment, and educational purposes only. 😎

Happy Browsing! 🤗

Insights about 東東 (吳東軒)

Let's imagine that Medium Love Calculator is a mountain. ⛰️
That's how this mountain would look like:

Better-ranked writers • 0.65%
With same love rating • 2.13%
Worse-ranked writers • 97.22%

Better-ranked • 0.65% • 7,808 writers
💡 Find out who they are

Equally-ranked • 2.13% • 25,529 writers
💡 Find out who they are

Worse-ranked • 97.22% • 1,164,958 writers
💡 Find out who they are


⭐ Saved users

Here you can find the list of saved users for comparision:

Writer Quality Activity  
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